Daniel Krueger grew up in nearly snow free state of Georgia, far away from mountains but has found his forever home in Old Man Winter’s domain. Always curious about nature and seeking out adventure, his love of the ocean and surfing was transformed into a love of snowboarding when exposed to the Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming at age 21. Fifteen years of riding and ten years of teaching and coaching later, he is a fully certified instructor with the ability to teach anything from the basics to advanced freestyle. Chasing new adventure and a beautiful woman, Daniel moved to Alaska five years ago to elevate his snowboard coaching, mountaineering, and backcountry skills. During that time, he spent two winters guiding in Japan, and last year working for the Avalanche School. In the summer you can find him climbing with his board to peaks where snow lingers long after winter’s retreat, mountain biking the brown pow, hunting for moose, and fishing for king salmon in Alaska’s wilderness. He has never outgrown his love for the outdoors or sharing that love through teaching. He lives by a simple mantra: “you don’t stop playing because you grow old, grow old because you stop playing.”